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The Republican Recap: Week of March 20, 2023

Here’s a recap of what Republicans achieved on the House Floor this week:

Protecting Parents’ Place in Education ✅
President Biden’s Department of Justice has been investigating parents who voice concerns about what is happening in their children’s schools, while school boards are using taxpayer dollars to promote woke agendas in classrooms. Some schools have gone so far as to not notify students of their national merit achievements in time for scholarship consideration or college applications in order to promote ‘equal outcomes’ after spending taxpayer dollars on equity consultants.

Instead of backing parents, who deserve transparency when it comes to their child’s education and how their taxpayer dollars are being used by schools, the Biden Administration is siding with union bosses and working to silence worried parents.

Rep. Julia Letlow’s legislation, H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights Act, protects a parent’s right to be involved in their child’s education and right to share their concerns about a school’s curriculum without fear of persecution.

“As Republicans, we know that for children to succeed, they need families and schools to work together as partners throughout the learning process. After we spent nearly a year and a half working to pass this bill, I’m grateful for the leadership of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Majority Whip Tom Emmer, and our Conference Chair, Elise Stefanik, to push this critical legislation over the finish line,” said Congresswoman Julia Letlow.

What Members Said:

“As a father, I want to make it a priority that we state that parents can and should protect their children. This bill ensures parents have a voice. It’s time to show the American people we stand with parents, not educational bureaucrats who want to restrict our understanding and visibility of the issues. These parents are not to be labeled as domestic terrorists – they’re proud parents, who want their children to succeed and not to be indoctrinated,” said Rep. Cory Mills.

Click here or on the image above to view Rep. Mills’ remarks.

Rep. Jake LaTurner highlighted how the Parents Bill of Rights Act gives parents a seat at the table and ensures they are the ones to raise their children, not the government. 

Denouncing Biden’s Veto of Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Retirement Funds ✅
Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Labor released a rule encouraging financial managers to factor environmental, social, and governance (ESG) into investment decisions and automatically enroll savers into ESG investments instead of prioritizing maximum returns for American workers, affecting the retirement funds of more than 152 million Americans. 

H.J. Res. 30, introduced by Rep. Andy Barr, blocks the Department of Labor’s rule green-lighting ESG investing in retirement plans by utilizing the Congressional Review Act’s expedited procedures to allow Congress to consider whether to block newly enacted federal rules.

Even after both the House and the Senate passed H.J. Res. 30 with bipartisan support, President Biden put politics and Democrats’ woke agenda above protecting the retirement funds of hardworking Americans and vetoed it. House Republicans will keep fighting to overturn this rule allowing ESG investing and to make sure Americans are getting the best retirement they can, not the most woke.

“Hardworking Americans saving for retirement deserve plan sponsors that are solely focused on maximizing financial returns, not advancing a liberal political agenda. The Department of Labor’s recent rule that allows ESG investing in employer-sponsored retirement plans is dangerous and irresponsible. While President Biden vetoes bipartisan bills that protect retirees, Republicans have and will continue to pass legislation such as this rule that allows for Americans to achieve financial freedom,” said Congressman Andy Barr.

What Members Said:

Rep. Claudia Tenney slammed President Biden for putting politics over pensions by vetoing this important legislation that prioritizes maximum returns for retirees.

Rep. Dan Bishop pointed out how hardworking Americans are being forced to fund woke initiatives with their retirement funds.