As we approach the first 100 days of House Republicans' majority next week, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) released the following statement on the progress House Republicans have made in fulfilling their Commitment to America agenda:
“House Republicans were elected to the majority in the 118th Congress with the commitment to pass common-sense policies that preserve freedom, strengthen our economy, protect communities, and hold the government accountable. We are fulfilling those promises to the American people.
"In our first 100 days, the Republican House majority has passed more bills, sent more rule bills to the desk of the President, and had more rule bills signed into law than the 117th Congress in its first 100 days. We've done so despite having a Democrat Senate and White House, while last Congress, Democrats had one-party control.
“Even with Democrat control in the Senate and White House, we are fighting and winning for American families. Through common-sense legislation, we repeatedly put Democrats in the tough position of having to choose between supporting American families or pushing their woke agendas – forcing President Biden to cave and ultimately getting legislation signed into law that Democrats said would never get past the president’s desk.
“The Republican House majority has worked tirelessly to achieve the goals laid out in our Commitment to America. In March, we broke the record for the most hearings in a single day with an amazing 42.
“House Republicans promised to get to work for the American people, and that is exactly what we’ve been doing. But it doesn’t stop here; House Republicans are just getting started. We’re not going to slow down. We’re not going to stop working. We will continue to bring legislation to the floor that follows through on our Commitment to America and combats Democrats’ radical policies.”
117th First 100 Days v. 118th First 100 Days:
Total Bills passed:
118th: 59
117th: 37
Rule Bills passed:
118th: 23
117th: 19
Suspension Bills passed:
118th: 36
117th: 18
Rule Bills to POTUS’ Desk:
118th: 5
117th: 2
Rule Bills signed into law:
118th: 3
117th: 2
A Future That’s Built on Freedom ✅
H.J. Res. 7 (Gosar) - Terminates the COVID-19 national emergency
Passed 229-197
Republicans: 218-0
Democrats: 11-197
Signed into law 4/10/2023
Scheduling H.R. 382 and H.J. Res. 7 on the floor accelerated the need for the Biden Administration to announce the end of the COVID-19 emergency declarations.
House Democrats overwhelmingly opposed this bill by a vote of 11-197.
H.R. 185 (Massie) – Ends CDC’s requirement for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers entering the United States
Passed 227-201
Republicans: 220-0
Democrats: 7-201
H.R. 139 (Comer) – SHOW UP Act: Requires federal agencies to return to pre-pandemic teleworking policies
Passed 221-206
Republicans: 218-1
Democrats: 3-205
H.R. 497 (Duncan) – Freedom for Health Care Workers Act: Terminates the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers
Passed 227-203
Republicans: 220-0
Democrats: 7-203
H.R. 382 (Guthrie) – Pandemic is Over Act: Terminates the COVID-19 public health emergency
Passed 220-210
Republicans: 220-0
Democrats: 0-210
The Biden administration released a Statement of Administration Policy on January 30, 2023 announcing the expiration of the COVID-19 public health and national emergency on May 11, 2023
Standing up to Socialism
H. Con. Res. 9 (Salazar) - Denouncing the horrors of socialism
Passed 328-86
Republicans: 219-0
Democrats: 109-86-14
Keeps America free from the implementation of socialist policies in the United States
An Economy That’s Strong ✅
H.R.1 (Scalise) – Lower Energy Costs Act: Increases domestic energy production and exportation, reduces regulatory burdens, and reforms permitting across all sectors of the economy
Passed 225-204
Republicans: 221-1
Democrats: 4-203
H.R. 21 (Rodgers) – Strategic Production Response Act: Limits the drawdown of petroleum in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve until DOE develops a plan to increase percentage of federal lands leased for oil and gas production
Passed 221-205
Republicans: 220-0
Democrats: 1-205
Modified open rule allowed for the consideration of 78 amendments on the House floor
147 amendments were submitted for pre-printing
H.R. 22 (Rodgers) – Protecting America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve from China: Prohibits the Secretary of Energy from selling petroleum products from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to any entities under the ownership or influence of the CCP
Passed 331-97
Republicans: 218-0
Democrats: 113-97
H.R. 347 (Stefanik) – REIN IN Act (Structured Rule): Requires the Biden administration to publish the inflationary impact of executive actions before enacting them
Passed 272-148
Republicans: 213-4
Democrats: 59-144
15 amendments offered on the floor
A Nation That’s Safe ✅
S. 619 (Hawley) - COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023: Requires the Biden administration to declassify information relating to the potential links between Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of COVID-19
Passed 419-0
Signed into law 3/20/2023
H. Res. 104 (McCaul) – Condemning the Chinese Communist Party’s use of a high-altitude surveillance balloon over United States territory as a brazen violation of United States sovereignty (Suspension)
Passed 419-0 under suspension of the rules
H. Res. 11 (McCarthy) – Establishing the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party
Passed 365-65
Republicans: 219-0
Democrats: 146-65
H.R. 1107 (Kim) – PRC is Not a Developing Country Act: Requires the Department of State to take actions to stop China from being classified as a developing country by international organizations (Suspension)
Passed 415-0
Republicans: 215-0
Democrats: 200-0
H.R. 1159 (Wagner) – Amending the Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020: Modifies an existing requirement for the Department of State to review and report on its guidance to federal agencies on the U.S.-Taiwan relationship
Passed 404-7
Republicans: 216-0
Democrats: 188-7
H.R. 1189 (Mast) – Undersea Cable Control Act: Prevents foreign adversaries from acquiring goods and technologies capable of supporting the construction, maintenance, or operation of undersea cable projects.
Passed by voice
H.R. 1154 (Smith-NJ) – Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023: Imposes sanctions on persons involved in forced organ trafficking and authorizes the Department of State to revoke the passports of individuals convicted of certain crimes related to organ trafficking.
Passed 413-2
Republicans: 211-2
Democrats: 202-0
H.R. 1093 (McCaul) – AUKUS Reporting: Requires the State Department to report to Congress on their efforts to implement the advanced capabilities pillar of the trilateral security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States
Passed 393-4
Republicans: 209-0
Democrats: 184-4
Crime & Oversight
H.J. Res. 26 (Clyde) – Disapproving the action of the D.C. Council in approving the Revised Criminal Code Act
Passed 250-173
Republicans: 219-0
Democrats: 31-173
Signed into law 3/20/2023
House Democrats overwhelmingly opposed this legislation.
After Biden announced he would sign the bill if passed by the Senate, the Senate passed H.J. Res. 26 by a vote of 81-14.
Forced Dems to vote against D.C. statehood or vote against making America safe
H.J. Res. 24 (Comer) – Disapproving the action of the D.C. Council in providing voting rights for non-residents
Passed 260-162
Republicans: 218-0
Democrats: 42-162
H.R. 26 (Wagner) – Born-alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act: Requires medical care for children who survive abortion procedures
Passed 220-210
Republicans: 219-0
Republicans protect all Americans, including the unborn
H. Con. Res. 3 (Johnson-LA) – Expressing the sense of Congress condemning the recent attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches
Passed 222-209
Republicans: 219-0
Democrats: 3-209
Republicans protect all Americans, including the unborn
A Government That’s Accountable ✅
H.R. 5 (Letlow) – Parents Bill of Rights Act: Provides transparency for parents and guardians by establishing various notification requirements for school curriculum
Passed 213-208
Republicans: 213-5
Democrats: 0-203
H. Res. 12 (Jordan) – Establishing a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary
Passed 221-211
Republicans: 221-0
Democrats: 0-211
Holding the Biden Administration Accountable
H.R. 23 (Smith-NE) – Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act: Rescinds funding for 87,000 IRS agents allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act
Passed 221-210
Republicans: 221-0
Democrats: 0-210
H.R. 140 (Comer) – Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act: Prohibits federal employees from advocating for censorship of viewpoints in their official capacity
Passed 219-206
Republicans: 219-0
Democrats: 0-206
H.J. Res. 30 (Barr) – Disapproving of the Biden administration’s ESG requirements for retirement investments
Passed 216-204
Republicans: 215-0
Democrats: 1-204
Forced first veto of the Biden administration on March 20, 2023
H.J. Res. 27 (Graves-MO) – WOTUS CRA: Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense and the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Revised Definition of 'Waters of the United States'"
Passed 227-198
Republicans: 218-1
Democrats: 9-197
After passing the Senate by a 53-43 vote, the White House vetoed this legislation.