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The Republican Recap: Week of May 15, 2023

Here’s a recap of what Republicans achieved on the House Floor this week:

Deporting Illegal Immigrants that Assault Police ✅
Biden’s border crisis continues to see a massive influx of illegal immigrants crossing our border, and law enforcement agents on the front lines are paying the price.

These officers who are fighting tirelessly to secure the border and keep our communities safe are being assaulted – in March, a female border patrol agent was violently assaulted while making an arrest, and in November, the FBI arrested two migrants who pushed, dragged, and punched a border patrol agent. 

This is unacceptable. We must hold accountable those who seek to harm our law enforcement officers.  

Rep. Andrew Garbarino’s legislation, H.R. 2494, the Protect Our Law Enforcement with Immigration Control and Enforcement Act of 2023 (POLICE Act of 2023), makes assaulting a police officer a deportable offense. 

“As the border crisis rages on unchecked and assaults against law enforcement officers continue to rise, this legislation sends a crystal clear message that any non-citizen who commits acts of violence against police should be subject to deportation," said Rep. Andrew Garbarino. "The POLICE Act codifies what under current law remains legally ambiguous by providing clear guidelines for what qualifies a migrant for removal under these circumstances. It is about improving officer safety and making it easier to remove migrants who have demonstrated flagrant criminal violence while on U.S. soil. I applaud my colleagues in the House for approving this commonsense measure and I urge the Senate to take up the POLICE Act without delay to show our men and women in law enforcement that we have their backs as they continue to battle the criminal element currently taking advantage of our unsecured southern border.”

What Members Said:

“H.R. 2494 ensures that these criminal aliens cannot escape the immigration consequences of their actions through legal loopholes. Criminal aliens who assault the dedicated men and women of law enforcement should find no safe harbor under our immigration laws. H.R. 2494 gives adjudicators another tool to ensure that these criminal aliens can be quickly removed from the country," said Rep. Tom McClintock. 

Click here or on the image above to view Rep. McClintock's remarks.

Rep. Kat Cammack highlighted how the POLICE Act of 2023 holds illegal immigrants accountable. 

Allowing Federal Law Enforcement to Purchase Service Weapons ✅
Current federal regulations require that service weapons be destroyed after they are retired from official use, resulting in a massive waste of taxpayer dollars since these weapons are paid for both when they go into circulation and when they are retired.

By allowing officers to purchase retired service weapons, we could save millions of dollars, offset the cost of buying new firearms, and invest in other law enforcement needs.

H.R. 3091, the Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act, sponsored by Rep. Russell Fry, directs the General Services Administration to allow Federal law enforcement officers to purchase retired service weapons.

“As a new Member of Congress, I'm truly honored that my legislation — H.R. 3091, The Federal Law Enforcement Officer Service Weapon Purchase Act passed the House of Representatives. This bill enacts a common-sense change and is a win for our federal law enforcement officers and American taxpayers," said Rep. Russell Fry.  

What Members Said:

Rep. Jodey Arrington emphasized how H.R. 3091 combats illogical government waste.

Rep. Josh Brecheen highlighted that law enforcement officers should have the right to purchase their retired firearms.

Supporting Law Enforcement and Condemning Defund the Police Movements ✅
Crime is out of control across the country: at least 16 cities broke their homicide records in 2021, including Atlanta, Austin, Philadelphia, and Portland. In D.C. compared with May of last year, motor vehicle theft is up 115 percent, sex abuse is up 44 percent, robbery is up 20 percent, and homicide is up 11 percent; all crime is up 27 percent. And according to D.C. police chief Robert Contee, the average homicide suspect has been arrested 11 times before being arrested for murder.

And yet, the men and women in blue who risk their lives to protect our communities every day are villainized and attacked, with detrimental consequences. In 2022, 64 officers were shot and killed in the line of duty.

We should be supporting local law enforcement officers, who keep communities safe, not villainizing them. It's time for Democrats to join House Republicans in condemning movements to defund the police and standing up for our men and women in blue.

H. Con. Res. 40, introduced by Rep. Ken Buck, expresses support for local law enforcement officers and condemns efforts to defund or dismantle local law enforcement agencies. 

What Members Said:

Rep. Dusty Johnson pointed out how our local police are keep communities safe.

Rep. Daniel Webster emphasized the importance of standing up against calls to defund or dismantle police departments.