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Scalise: We Must Unleash American Energy in the Gulf

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) released the following statement today regarding the ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to move forward with Lease Sale 261 later this year:
“This court decision requiring the offshore lease sale to move forward is welcome news for American families and small businesses that are sick and tired of liberal special interests and the Biden Administration doing everything in their power to shut down American energy production. We are seeing the real-time consequences of this administration’s energy failures as President Biden chooses to rely on hostile foreign nations like Iran, Venezuela, and Russia instead of unleashing cleaner, lower-cost American energy right here at home in the Gulf of Mexico.
“It is infuriating to see this administration make every attempt to sabotage this lease sale in the Gulf when so many hard-working families are bearing the brunt of high energy prices. I applaud the decision by the 5th Circuit to move ahead with the sale with the original acreage for later this year.”