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Scalise: State of Our Union is Struggling

Today, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) released the following statement following President Biden's State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Biden delivered his State of the Union address to Congress and the American people, and unfortunately he failed to address any of the crises he created and perpetuated by his disastrous policies. The border remains wide open; hard-working families struggle to make ends meet under runaway Bidenflation and skyrocketing costs; law abiding citizens are afraid to walk home at night in Democrat-led cities; the world is on fire, with terror exploding across the globe on President Biden’s watch; and President Biden continues to crush American energy, endangering both our national security and the security of our allies while empowering our enemies. 
“Under President Biden, gas prices more than doubled, housing affordability reached all-time lows, mortgage rates doubled, inflation hit the highest level in 40 years, and interest rates are at the highest level in 22 years. Hardworking taxpayers are paying the price for President Biden’s failures, and they’re fed up – consumer sentiment fell to its lowest level ever under President Biden.
“President Biden’s open border policies have unleashed chaos on our communities, putting criminals before American families and workers. Under the Biden Administration, 7.2 million illegal immigrants have poured into the United States – that’s more than the population of 36 states. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen several tragic stories come out about the victims of President Biden’s border crisis, including the brutal murder of a Georgia college nursing student, Laken Riley, by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record. House Republicans passed the 
Laken Riley Act today to combat the tragic consequences of President Biden’s open border policies and to send a message to the President that while he refuses to stand up for the safety of the American people, Republicans are continuing the fight to protect our communities, just as we did when we passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act
“Let’s be clear: The state of our union is struggling, and President Biden and his Administration are to blame. No jumbled word salad touting false wins is going to convince the American public otherwise, because they feel it every day. House Republicans will not stop working to counter these harmful policies and restore our union to a state of prosperity by unleashing American energy, shutting down the border, reining in government spending, and defending our neighborhoods.