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The Leader’s Floor Lookout: Friday, May 17, 2024

Here’s what to watch for on the House Floor today:
Addressing Violence Against Police and Supporting Our Law Enforcement

The declining respect for rule of law and law enforcement officers in the United States, fueled by radical Democrat “Defund the Police” movements and anti-police rhetoric, has created a crisis of safety impacting both our officers and our neighborhoods. 

Progressive soft-on-crime policies and narratives painting the police as the enemy have resulted in record violence against our officers, cities struggling with massive challenges in police recruitment and retention, and failure to hold violent criminals accountable and keep them off our streets. 

In 2023, 378 police officers were shot in the line of duty – the highest ever recorded. Of these shootings, 115 were the result of violent ambushes on law enforcement. The average age of fallen law enforcement officers was 45 years old, and the average fallen officer leaves behind two children when they pass. 

These are just the numbers that get reported – currently, data does not show the number of law enforcement officers who are assaulted, injured, or disabled while serving our communities every single year. 

Regardless of the threat to their lives, law enforcement officers answer every call to protect and defend their communities. It’s time we answer the call to protect and defend our officers.

H. Res. 1213, sponsored by Rep. Pete Stauber, addresses violence against law enforcement officers by condemning calls for defunding police and anti-police sentiment that has increased violence against police, acknowledging the mental and physical impacts such violence has on police, and expressing condolences and appreciation to the families of fallen law enforcement officers.

America’s law enforcement officers deserve our utmost respect and gratitude for the sacrifices they and their families make every day to keep our communities safe. House Republicans will always back the blue.