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The Republican Recap: Week of June 3, 2024

Here’s a recap of what Republicans achieved on the House Floor this week:

Opposing Unjust ICC Warrants for Israeli Leaders ✅

On May 20, radical International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan announced he is seeking warrants for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes in Gaza. This is absurd. Hamas’ barbaric October 7th attacks on Israel claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israelis and was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. Additionally, Hamas took over 240 hostages that day – up to around 130 of which they still hold.
Let’s be clear: Going after a terrorist group that brutally slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians and still holds many hostage is not a “war crime” – it’s defending Israel’s right to exist and ensuring a vicious attack like October 7th never happens again. America stands with Israel against terrorists—and the International Criminal Court should, too.
If the ICC insists on targeting Israel, a democracy defending itself against evil, the U.S. must stand against them and ensure there are consequences for these international bureaucrats.

Rep. Chip Roy’s legislation, H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, would impose sanctions on the ICC or any foreign actor who supports their effort to arrest, detain, or prosecute protected persons of the United States and its allies, including Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant. 

“I am pleased that today the House passed H.R. 8282 — a bill I introduced with Representative Mast, Conference Chairwoman Stefanik, and others — to sanction the ICC if they attempt to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute Americans or our allies.
“This sends a strong message to the ICC that we will not tolerate their outrageous attacks on Israel. But let’s be clear, this isn’t just about Israel, this is about ensuring that our nation's sovereignty is protected, as well as our servicemembers. Absent decisive leadership at the White House, Congress must stand in the breach defending our allies and our sovereignty.
“I am grateful for the support of the Republicans and Democrats who voted for this bill, as well as Speaker Johnson and Chairman McCaul’s critical help in getting legislation to the House floor and over the finish line. Additionally, I want to thank Senator Cotton for his strong leadership on the Senate side and look forward to working with him and others to put this on the President’s desk," 
said Rep. Chip Roy.

What Members Said:
“Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East and it is under attack. It has been since October 7th. Israel was living in peace, until they were attacked on October 7th. This time the attack is coming from the International Criminal Court, who went as far as seeking an arrest warrant against Prime Minister Netanyahu for the rightful act of defending his country against the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th. Mr. Speaker, this is an unprecedented move and even President Biden called the arrest warrants ‘outrageous.’ The commonsense response to this outrageous action by the ICC is to pass H.R. 8282,” said Rep. Mark Alford. “We must always stand with our ally Israel, and we must always stand against any terrorist organization like Hamas. We must support Israel and their efforts to eradicate Hamas, which could end this war today, Mr. Speaker, by releasing all the remaining hostages and surrendering..”

Click here or on the image above to view Rep. Alford's remarks.

Rep. Kay Granger highlighted that H.R. 8282 supports Israel by requiring the President to impose sanctions against rogue ICC officials who prosecute Americans or our allies.  

Rep. Brian Mast emphasized that H.R. 8282 sends a powerful message to the International Criminal Court that there are consequences for targeting America or our allies.  

Providing For Servicemembers and Veterans and Bolstering Our National Security ✅

Congress has a fundamental duty to responsibly fund the government, making sure taxpayer dollars are spent on important programs like supporting our veterans, servicemembers, and national defense, while cutting bloated federal spending on woke programs and the Left’s radical agenda.

This week, House Republicans passed legislation that fully funds veterans’ healthcare, invests in quality-of-life improvements like housing and childcare, and strengthens deterrence in the Indo-Pacific. Our bill stops hard-earned taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortions using Hyde language, protects Second Amendment rights for our veterans, and bans the use of funds to promote critical race theory or diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.

Our service members and veterans have selflessly served our nation and defended our freedoms from adversaries abroad, and it’s time these heroes and their loved ones get the support and assistance they deserve in return.

H.R. 8580, the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025, introduced by Rep. John Carter, provides FY25 appropriations for military construction, the VA, and related agencies that deliver for our veterans and servicemembers, bolster our national security, increase deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region, and cut radical woke initiatives.

“The FY25 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill reflects our deep commitment to America’s heroes, both during and after their service. It fully funds veterans’ health care, prioritizes quality-of-life improvements like housing and childcare for our military families, and focuses on important investments in the Pacific to combat China. The bill also protects important conservative values, namely freedom, equality, and justice, from unelected bureaucrats’ assault. It’s a strong bill, and I’m glad to see it pass the House this week,” said Rep. John Carter. 

What Members Said:

“Under Chairmen Cole and Carter's leadership, H.R. 8580 will fully fund veterans health care programs and benefits. It provides for an extra $75 million above the President's budget, and $30 billion above last year's enacted level for veterans. Further, this legislation also provides for robust funding for the Indo-Pacific region, invests billions in quality of life projects for our servicemembers and their families, and blocks the Biden Administration from placing Al Qaeda terrorists in our local communities,” said Rep. Guy Reschenthaler. “As we approach the 80th anniversary of D-Day, this week's vote will be an important step in supporting our nation's veterans.”

Click here or on the image above to view Rep. Reschenthaler's remarks.

Rep. Zach Nunn stressed that there is little more important than supporting those who serve our country, and that H.R. 8580 fully funds veterans healthcare programs, benefits, and VA programs.

Rep. Dave Joyce noted that by enhancing military readiness and supporting the quality of life for our servicemembers and their families, H.R. 8580 honors our commitment to our veterans and national security.